
How does the mood ring work?

Let your emotions show the color of your mood ring

We have many ways to express how we feel. Most people express themseeities through facial expressions. If a person can face a face, people will think that he/she is having a bad day, or that they just have "double face syndrome".

Some display their emotions through their actions. You can sing “Walking On Sunshine” while at the office and people know that you're happy and/or possibly insane.

But others choose to display their mood through clothes and jewelry.   That's where mood rings are very useful. Mood rings were created back in the 1970's and started the rise of mood jewelry. (Take a look at our Awesome 80s Jewelry Post.) Mood rings change their color based on the wearer's mood. If you wear it feeling happy, it will appear as pink. But if you suddenly became anxious, it will turn to brown. Many people were very fascinated with this ring. That's why it became really popular. But, ever wondered how it works?

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How the Actual Mood Ring Works
Our body reacts differently to every mood we have. When one feels happy, certain chemicals are released in the blood and activates many of our organs. It causes an increase in the heart rate, therefore increasing the amount of blood circulating in the body. This is why we feel alert and energetic whenever we are happy. This is also why our body temperature increases.

On the other hand, during times when we are anxious or scared, chemicals in our body divert blood flow to our vital organs and muscles. This is to prepare our body for the “fight or flight” response. Since the blood is diverted to the internal organs, temperature tends to drop at our extremities.

Changes in our mood cause many reactions in our body. Certain chemicals in our body are released into our blood, causing several responses. That's why our heart rate changes when we're happy. We tend to have less energy when we are sad. These changes are utilized by the mood ring.

One major indicator during mood changes is the temperature. Normal body temperature is 98.6 F. Any mood shifts causes a rise or fall in our body temperature. Mood rings contain thermophilic liquid crystals layered with a protective coating. They are placed inside the ring or at the band. Once the person's mood changes, the liquid will react to the temperature change and will therefore cause the change in the ring's color.

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Mood rings probably don't reflect one's mood perfectly, but they are certainly fun to wear.   They are both useful and fashionable. We all have very few pieces that can do that. It can be a good conversation starter.

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